Saturday, March 19, 2016

How Search Engines Work?

Understanding Search Engine

Search engine optimization is a series of processes carried out systematically in order to improve the volume and quality of traffic through search engines to visit certain web sites by utilizing the mechanism of action or the search engine algorithms. The goal of SEO is to place a website on top position, or at least the first page of search results based on certain keywords that are targeted.

Logically, a website that occupies the top position in search results have a better chance to get visitors. In line with the growing use of the Internet as a business medium, the need for SEO is also increasing. Being at the top of search results will improve the chances of a web-based marketing company to gain new customers. This opportunity is used a number of parties to offer search engine optimization services to companies that have a business base in the internet.

The Formation History Search Engine

According to Danny Sullivan, search engine optimization is a term first used on July 26, 1997 by a spam message posted on Usenet. At that time the search engine algorithms is not too complex so easily manipulated. The early versions of search algorithms based entirely on information provided by the webmaster via meta tags in the html code of their website. Meta tags provide information about the content contained on a web page with a set of keywords (keyword). Most webmasters do manipulation by a keyword that does not correspond to the actual site content, so that search engines seem to have misplaced and rank those sites. This causes the search results to be inaccurate and have caused losses for both search engines as well as for Internet users expect relevant and quality information.

How Search Engines Work?

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. student in computer science at Stanford University, are trying to overcome these problems by building BackRub, a simple search engine that relies on mathematical calculations to rank web pages. The algorithm, called PageRank, a complex mathematical function is a combination of counting the number of links that point to a web page with the analysis of the quality of each of those links. Based on the working principle of PageRank, in general it can be said that the web pages that rank high are a lot of web pages linked to by other web pages. Value of Page Rank will also be higher if a web page that leads to him also has a high quality. The value of a link from high quality sites such as Yahoo! or DMOZ could be worth more than the combined value of one hundred links from low-quality websites. BackRub only a beginning. In 1998, Page and Brin founded Google, which is an advanced version of BackRub. In a short time Google gained reputation and trust of the public internet users for successfully serving quality search results (not manipulated), fast, and relevant. Page Rank then be a good standard for other search engines as well as for webmasterwebnya are trying to acquire sites Page Rank values ​​as high as possible so that the highest position in the search results.

Figures Leading SEO

 In addition to Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, some people become figures respected and his opinions as a reference about search engines and SEO business, is as follows:
  • Danny Sullivan, Former LA Times journalist who founded the Web site Search Engine Watch highlights active business development and search engine technology. Now he is actively writing and reportage on Search Engine Land.
  • Matt Cutts, Programmer and former employees of the NSA (National Security Agency) United States who joined Google in 2001 and is currently the head of Google's spam team countermeasures. In addition to being an employee of Google, Matt Cutts is a prominent blogger. The articles in his blog as a reference SEO practitioners from around the world, because his blog is often the first source of any information regarding the development of Google's search technology. Matt Cutts is often regarded as the unofficial spokesman for Google.
  • Vanessa Fox, former Google employee. Vanessa is known among webmasters as a drafter and programmer who also served on the Google Webmaster Central project. Of the many search engines (search engine), the most popular of them, namely:

1. Google (

Google is a search engine that is quite well known for the moment and deliver relevant results and very fast. A large amount of information on the Internet requires a search service that is perfect for managing information. Not only the power of Google, but also services that mengguanakan its communication with Indonesian, even the Java language. As one system that serves users in the service of information among the billions of web pages found on the Internet, Google uses a unique combination anatara hardware and sophisticated software. Search speed, low-cost, connected in a network to build a search engine that is super fast.

2. Yahoo (

Yahoo is the site of most search engines feature rich. Yahoo increased popularity in the eyes of users because of the many features provided. This is because Yahoo positioning itself as a portal site on the Internet. Although many of the features of this site are tantalizing, but the search engine service capabilities are not inferior to the other search engines. The speed and accuracy can compete with other leading search engines.

3. All The Web (

Internet AllTheWeb is a search engine that debuted in mid 1999. It grew out of FTP Search, Tor Egge doctoral thesis at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, which he started in 1994, which in turn resulted in the formation of Fast Search and Transfer was established in July 16 1997. It was used mainly as part of the show's website for the FAST enterprise search engine. Although rivaling Google in size and technology, AllTheWeb never became popular. When AllTheWeb began in 1999, Fast Search and Transfer aims to provide a database for other search engines, copying the successful case of Inktomi. Indeed, in January 2000, Lycos Lycos PRO used their results in the search.

At that time, the database AllTheWeb Crawler they are indexed over 2 billion pages in June 2002 and began a new round of war the size of the search engines. Before the purchase by Yahoo !, database contains approximately 3.3 billion URLs. AllTheWeb has several advantages compared to Google, such as database fresher, more sophisticated search features, search clustering and fully customized look. In February 2003 Quick web search division was bought by Overture. In March 2004 Overture itself was taken over by Yahoo !. Shortly after the Yahoo acquisition, the site started using Yahoo! AllTheWeb database has grown from 80 million to 200 million URLs. Their aim is to index all publicly accessible web. and several advanced features are removed, such as FTP search.

4. Excite (

Excite remains the choice of the user in searching for data on the Internet, even though these sites have ups and downs in the dot-com business. Excite is a search engine pioneers and most inovasional when first introduced. Excite is still eligible to compete and the best known among the other search engines, because of the accuracy and speed to display the search results.

5. Lycos (

Each search engine certainly made it interesting and as accurate as possible to be able to compete and pursue fame in the eyes of Internet users. Lycos as one of the pioneers of search engines, remain good, fast, and accurate in the search, although many new search engine sites are good and accurate. This makes Lycos still survive in the ranks of the world's best search engine. Lycos see quite lively, imposing itself as a portal site, do not like to see other search engines seem simple. The search box is located at the top of the page, as if hidden by the display image and icons striking feature. However, it is not wrong if its features are made conspicuous, because these features are very useful and helpful to its users.

6. Altavista (

The business competitors in the field of Internet decent into account Altavista, particularly in the field of search engines, because of the popularity of search engines can be synchronized with other search engines longer appear. The reliability and accuracy of results displayed Altavista make the users choosing this site. Behind the simple appearance, Altavista store an astounding potential search function. In fact, the facility translator, Babel Fish, a best-in-class service.

7.Ask (

Ask is a search engine that was founded in 1996 by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen in California. This site can search for information in detail, how it works similar to Google. This browser has the ability to degrade more data and displays other links that they have relevant relationships. Ask simantik and extraction has the ability to recognize the best answers to user questions. How it works is not much different from Google, users just enter the keyword and click search. Then the user will find a series of results along with links that led users to the results that are still relevant. The site is equipped katagorikan several tabs on the web, images, etc. was originally known as Ask Jeeves, where "Jeeves" is the name of the "gentleman's personal gentleman", or valet, take the answer to the question asked. Characters are based on Jeeves, Bertie Wooster's fictional valet from the works of PG Wodehouse. The original idea behind Ask Jeeves was to allow users to get answers to questions posed in everyday, natural language, as well as traditional search keywords. The current still supports this, with added support for math questions, dictionary, and conversion. Site search engine this one favor the ability to understand human language. Users can use full sentences, not keywords. This site is useful to know the answer of the question. Ask is a search engine whose function is to search for information in the form of an image, document, video, references, and news.

Search Engine Has 3 Important Components.

How Search Engines Work?

First, an element called a spider (spider) which is also called the crawler. Elements spider teaches access to websites, read it and follow the links contained in the site. Any information found in the spider element will always be written in an index.The second is the index of search engines. Index is similar to a giant book containing a copy (copy) of each site visited spider element. If the spider element found the change from a website, the information from the website contained in this catalog will be updated (update). Sometimes it takes a new page based on the results of writing findings element spider on a web site, so there may be new information from a web site that is accessed by a spider element is not written in the catalog index.
The third is the software (software) search engine itself. The program is selecting millions of data in the catalog that contains a copy of the pages of the web site and match demand Internet users and then display the data to monitor and compile them in accordance with the ranking list.
Understanding Search Engine

Search engine optimization is a series of processes carried out systematically in order to improve the volume and quality of traffic through search engines to visit certain web sites by utilizing the mechanism of action or the search engine algorithms. The goal of SEO is to place a website on top position, or at least the first page of search results based on certain keywords that are targeted.

Logically, a website that occupies the top position in search results have a better chance to get visitors. In line with the growing use of the Internet as a business medium, the need for SEO is also increasing. Being at the top of search results will improve the chances of a web-based marketing company to gain new customers. This opportunity is used a number of parties to offer search engine optimization services to companies that have a business base in the internet.

The Formation History Search Engine

According to Danny Sullivan, search engine optimization is a term first used on July 26, 1997 by a spam message posted on Usenet. At that time the search engine algorithms is not too complex so easily manipulated. The early versions of search algorithms based entirely on information provided by the webmaster via meta tags in the html code of their website. Meta tags provide information about the content contained on a web page with a set of keywords (keyword). Most webmasters do manipulation by a keyword that does not correspond to the actual site content, so that search engines seem to have misplaced and rank those sites. This causes the search results to be inaccurate and have caused losses for both search engines as well as for Internet users expect relevant and quality information.

How Search Engines Work?

Larry Page and Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. student in computer science at Stanford University, are trying to overcome these problems by building BackRub, a simple search engine that relies on mathematical calculations to rank web pages. The algorithm, called PageRank, a complex mathematical function is a combination of counting the number of links that point to a web page with the analysis of the quality of each of those links. Based on the working principle of PageRank, in general it can be said that the web pages that rank high are a lot of web pages linked to by other web pages. Value of Page Rank will also be higher if a web page that leads to him also has a high quality. The value of a link from high quality sites such as Yahoo! or DMOZ could be worth more than the combined value of one hundred links from low-quality websites. BackRub only a beginning. In 1998, Page and Brin founded Google, which is an advanced version of BackRub. In a short time Google gained reputation and trust of the public internet users for successfully serving quality search results (not manipulated), fast, and relevant. Page Rank then be a good standard for other search engines as well as for webmasterwebnya are trying to acquire sites Page Rank values ​​as high as possible so that the highest position in the search results.

Figures Leading SEO

 In addition to Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, some people become figures respected and his opinions as a reference about search engines and SEO business, is as follows:
  • Danny Sullivan, Former LA Times journalist who founded the Web site Search Engine Watch highlights active business development and search engine technology. Now he is actively writing and reportage on Search Engine Land.
  • Matt Cutts, Programmer and former employees of the NSA (National Security Agency) United States who joined Google in 2001 and is currently the head of Google's spam team countermeasures. In addition to being an employee of Google, Matt Cutts is a prominent blogger. The articles in his blog as a reference SEO practitioners from around the world, because his blog is often the first source of any information regarding the development of Google's search technology. Matt Cutts is often regarded as the unofficial spokesman for Google.
  • Vanessa Fox, former Google employee. Vanessa is known among webmasters as a drafter and programmer who also served on the Google Webmaster Central project. Of the many search engines (search engine), the most popular of them, namely:

1. Google (

Google is a search engine that is quite well known for the moment and deliver relevant results and very fast. A large amount of information on the Internet requires a search service that is perfect for managing information. Not only the power of Google, but also services that mengguanakan its communication with Indonesian, even the Java language. As one system that serves users in the service of information among the billions of web pages found on the Internet, Google uses a unique combination anatara hardware and sophisticated software. Search speed, low-cost, connected in a network to build a search engine that is super fast.

2. Yahoo (

Yahoo is the site of most search engines feature rich. Yahoo increased popularity in the eyes of users because of the many features provided. This is because Yahoo positioning itself as a portal site on the Internet. Although many of the features of this site are tantalizing, but the search engine service capabilities are not inferior to the other search engines. The speed and accuracy can compete with other leading search engines.

3. All The Web (

Internet AllTheWeb is a search engine that debuted in mid 1999. It grew out of FTP Search, Tor Egge doctoral thesis at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, which he started in 1994, which in turn resulted in the formation of Fast Search and Transfer was established in July 16 1997. It was used mainly as part of the show's website for the FAST enterprise search engine. Although rivaling Google in size and technology, AllTheWeb never became popular. When AllTheWeb began in 1999, Fast Search and Transfer aims to provide a database for other search engines, copying the successful case of Inktomi. Indeed, in January 2000, Lycos Lycos PRO used their results in the search.

At that time, the database AllTheWeb Crawler they are indexed over 2 billion pages in June 2002 and began a new round of war the size of the search engines. Before the purchase by Yahoo !, database contains approximately 3.3 billion URLs. AllTheWeb has several advantages compared to Google, such as database fresher, more sophisticated search features, search clustering and fully customized look. In February 2003 Quick web search division was bought by Overture. In March 2004 Overture itself was taken over by Yahoo !. Shortly after the Yahoo acquisition, the site started using Yahoo! AllTheWeb database has grown from 80 million to 200 million URLs. Their aim is to index all publicly accessible web. and several advanced features are removed, such as FTP search.

4. Excite (

Excite remains the choice of the user in searching for data on the Internet, even though these sites have ups and downs in the dot-com business. Excite is a search engine pioneers and most inovasional when first introduced. Excite is still eligible to compete and the best known among the other search engines, because of the accuracy and speed to display the search results.

5. Lycos (

Each search engine certainly made it interesting and as accurate as possible to be able to compete and pursue fame in the eyes of Internet users. Lycos as one of the pioneers of search engines, remain good, fast, and accurate in the search, although many new search engine sites are good and accurate. This makes Lycos still survive in the ranks of the world's best search engine. Lycos see quite lively, imposing itself as a portal site, do not like to see other search engines seem simple. The search box is located at the top of the page, as if hidden by the display image and icons striking feature. However, it is not wrong if its features are made conspicuous, because these features are very useful and helpful to its users.

6. Altavista (

The business competitors in the field of Internet decent into account Altavista, particularly in the field of search engines, because of the popularity of search engines can be synchronized with other search engines longer appear. The reliability and accuracy of results displayed Altavista make the users choosing this site. Behind the simple appearance, Altavista store an astounding potential search function. In fact, the facility translator, Babel Fish, a best-in-class service.

7.Ask (

Ask is a search engine that was founded in 1996 by Garrett Gruener and David Warthen in California. This site can search for information in detail, how it works similar to Google. This browser has the ability to degrade more data and displays other links that they have relevant relationships. Ask simantik and extraction has the ability to recognize the best answers to user questions. How it works is not much different from Google, users just enter the keyword and click search. Then the user will find a series of results along with links that led users to the results that are still relevant. The site is equipped katagorikan several tabs on the web, images, etc. was originally known as Ask Jeeves, where "Jeeves" is the name of the "gentleman's personal gentleman", or valet, take the answer to the question asked. Characters are based on Jeeves, Bertie Wooster's fictional valet from the works of PG Wodehouse. The original idea behind Ask Jeeves was to allow users to get answers to questions posed in everyday, natural language, as well as traditional search keywords. The current still supports this, with added support for math questions, dictionary, and conversion. Site search engine this one favor the ability to understand human language. Users can use full sentences, not keywords. This site is useful to know the answer of the question. Ask is a search engine whose function is to search for information in the form of an image, document, video, references, and news.

Search Engine Has 3 Important Components.

How Search Engines Work?

First, an element called a spider (spider) which is also called the crawler. Elements spider teaches access to websites, read it and follow the links contained in the site. Any information found in the spider element will always be written in an index.The second is the index of search engines. Index is similar to a giant book containing a copy (copy) of each site visited spider element. If the spider element found the change from a website, the information from the website contained in this catalog will be updated (update). Sometimes it takes a new page based on the results of writing findings element spider on a web site, so there may be new information from a web site that is accessed by a spider element is not written in the catalog index.
The third is the software (software) search engine itself. The program is selecting millions of data in the catalog that contains a copy of the pages of the web site and match demand Internet users and then display the data to monitor and compile them in accordance with the ranking list.

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