Thursday, March 3, 2016

Myth Origin of Waves Bono in Kampar, Riau Province

Scientifically, wave bono is one of the natural events are quite rare and infrequent. Where we will witness a big wave like happened in the middle of the sea, but this occurred in a freshwater river. Bono wave occurs due to a conflict of three streams of water coming from the Straits of Malacca, the South China Sea and the Kampar River water flow. As a result of this collision, making waves in Kampar river mouth can reach a height of 4-5 meters with previously characterized by a terrific roar. It is a scientific phenomenon that will be trusted by the intellectuals alone. But you know, the local community has fairy tales associated with their special wave such bono? There are many stories and beliefs of the local people who make a rare natural events is increasingly privileged.

Myth Origin of Waves Bono in Kampar, Riau Province

According to their belief, the wave bono in Kampar river is bono males, while females were in the area bono Rokan River, near the City Bagansiapi-fire. Bono in the Kampar estuary of seven tails, which form similar to a horse which is called by the parent Bono. In the spring tide die, it will go into bono Rokan River to meet bono females. Then relax heading to the Strait of Malacca. That is why when a small moon and tides die, bono was not found in both rivers. If the month started off great, go back to the place bono respectively, then play up a river Kampar and Rokan River. Getting full moon in the sky, the more excited bono go up a race against the two rivers.

For residents of the area Kuala Kampar, bono they are familiar since childhood. Because that's not strange, when children, teens and adults alike regard bono as a friend, where they played Stunt riding is called Bekudo Bono Bono or using boats (canoes) small. Usually playground bono for local residents are in places where bono is not too large or in children who have Bono Kampar River, such as the River Sangar, Turip, Serkap, Polar and Kerumutan River. This game is a big risk, because if miscalculated bono boat can be cast into the cliff so that splinters. But from experience since childhood, they, the players bono already know exactly where the safe place to play bono.

Formerly, such bono games often done by first holding certain ceremonies to ensure the safety of the players. The ceremony is called 'semah' to do the morning or afternoon. The ceremony was led by a 'Bomo' or Datuk atapun the village elders. This is done so that motorists bono mean salvation while riding bono, and kept away from harm. In addition, there is also a mythical story associated with the waves bono namely the story of the bloodbath in mempusun or mempusun covered in blood, and the formation of the Kingdom Palalawan in 1822 AD

Malay warriors is said is often challenged and tested agility with ride the wave bono. Who succeeded menakklukkan The waves were very strong then it will be considered a powerful figure and has the best strength. Another story says that firstly the waves roll numbering seven (7) major waves of 7 ghost. When the Dutch colonial period, the ships of the Dutch transport is very difficult to enter the Kuala Kampar result of this wave. One commander of Dutch troops ordered to shoot with a cannon of the big waves. Whether by chance or because of other things, one of the big wave that had been shot cannon Netherlands never appear again until now. So now there are only six (6) large rolls Bono waves.

But later became a regular game and can be carried out at will. But the game is only done during the day, while evenings matter how dare they, not yet no one dared try. This is because the risk is pretty big. If you are afraid or terrified to participate alongside the boat playing bono, you can watch bono of land only. But If you dare please play bono with small boats are widely available there. The important thing you have to be good at swimming, and riding bono. This game is similar to surfing the waves on the beach, because the place is spacious and big enough challenge. You are interested in visiting attractions waves bono in Sungai Kampar Riau, Indonesia?
Scientifically, wave bono is one of the natural events are quite rare and infrequent. Where we will witness a big wave like happened in the middle of the sea, but this occurred in a freshwater river. Bono wave occurs due to a conflict of three streams of water coming from the Straits of Malacca, the South China Sea and the Kampar River water flow. As a result of this collision, making waves in Kampar river mouth can reach a height of 4-5 meters with previously characterized by a terrific roar. It is a scientific phenomenon that will be trusted by the intellectuals alone. But you know, the local community has fairy tales associated with their special wave such bono? There are many stories and beliefs of the local people who make a rare natural events is increasingly privileged.

Myth Origin of Waves Bono in Kampar, Riau Province

According to their belief, the wave bono in Kampar river is bono males, while females were in the area bono Rokan River, near the City Bagansiapi-fire. Bono in the Kampar estuary of seven tails, which form similar to a horse which is called by the parent Bono. In the spring tide die, it will go into bono Rokan River to meet bono females. Then relax heading to the Strait of Malacca. That is why when a small moon and tides die, bono was not found in both rivers. If the month started off great, go back to the place bono respectively, then play up a river Kampar and Rokan River. Getting full moon in the sky, the more excited bono go up a race against the two rivers.

For residents of the area Kuala Kampar, bono they are familiar since childhood. Because that's not strange, when children, teens and adults alike regard bono as a friend, where they played Stunt riding is called Bekudo Bono Bono or using boats (canoes) small. Usually playground bono for local residents are in places where bono is not too large or in children who have Bono Kampar River, such as the River Sangar, Turip, Serkap, Polar and Kerumutan River. This game is a big risk, because if miscalculated bono boat can be cast into the cliff so that splinters. But from experience since childhood, they, the players bono already know exactly where the safe place to play bono.

Formerly, such bono games often done by first holding certain ceremonies to ensure the safety of the players. The ceremony is called 'semah' to do the morning or afternoon. The ceremony was led by a 'Bomo' or Datuk atapun the village elders. This is done so that motorists bono mean salvation while riding bono, and kept away from harm. In addition, there is also a mythical story associated with the waves bono namely the story of the bloodbath in mempusun or mempusun covered in blood, and the formation of the Kingdom Palalawan in 1822 AD

Malay warriors is said is often challenged and tested agility with ride the wave bono. Who succeeded menakklukkan The waves were very strong then it will be considered a powerful figure and has the best strength. Another story says that firstly the waves roll numbering seven (7) major waves of 7 ghost. When the Dutch colonial period, the ships of the Dutch transport is very difficult to enter the Kuala Kampar result of this wave. One commander of Dutch troops ordered to shoot with a cannon of the big waves. Whether by chance or because of other things, one of the big wave that had been shot cannon Netherlands never appear again until now. So now there are only six (6) large rolls Bono waves.

But later became a regular game and can be carried out at will. But the game is only done during the day, while evenings matter how dare they, not yet no one dared try. This is because the risk is pretty big. If you are afraid or terrified to participate alongside the boat playing bono, you can watch bono of land only. But If you dare please play bono with small boats are widely available there. The important thing you have to be good at swimming, and riding bono. This game is similar to surfing the waves on the beach, because the place is spacious and big enough challenge. You are interested in visiting attractions waves bono in Sungai Kampar Riau, Indonesia?

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