the courtyard of the mosque and mosque, finished prayers, then by
itself contained also in the relationship aspects of martial arts,
namely the creation of a cord of friendship and camaraderie with the
crowd. However, there is also a practicing martial arts in the middle of the forest that can not be seen. And during practice it is, the reading of prayers in Islamic narrative becomes an integral requirement.
The nature and clinging parried by surau or mosque is roughly similar to kung fu was born and raised in the Shaolin temple. Both are examples of martial arts was born and honed in a spiritual environment. Only, in the times, both martial arts has been able to learn anywhere, not necessarily in the mosque, mosque, or temple.
Silat and Influence
Silat is a typical Malay martial which etymologically means "fight" or "fighting". However, there are also said silat means "the clay", which means the slick. That is, it is a movement silat martial slippery and thus difficult to be locked. While in the Philippines, Silat means "lightning" (lightning). This notion refers to the speed of movement of empty hand and weapon use. Bare hands is an allusion to fight only using a mere hand. However, there is also a common weapon used in martial arts. The weapon was, among other things, kris, spears, machetes, gloves, knives, sickles, sticks, or kerambit / kurambik. Kurambik is touted as typical Minangkabau. He shaped small knife that resemble claws. He was also similar to the curved crescent eyes.
In wrangle, the body generally be upright, modest, and almost creeping. When an opponent attacks, he was not repelled, but deflected in the other direction (take advantage of the strength of the opponent). This is similar to martial arts from China. Everything must be elastic, supple, flexible. This makes the martial arts moves seem beautiful, vivacious, wiry, and flow. Meanwhile, clothes that used the fighters usually black, which can also in this type of vessel bay. Not to forget also with a headband with a lid. That said, swapping without headgear deemed invalid and be bothered by negative energy. By Malays, headgear, which actually is in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, is done by using a cap / cap / skull cap, hat Lebai, or tengkulok / pose / headband. The goal is to get the absorption or focus.
Silat with all its attributes are scattered in many areas of the countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, or Brunei Darussalam. Therefore, he later became the hallmark of Southeast Asian martial. In these areas, the name of self-defense is no difference in the sound. However, in addition to martial arts, he is also known as Silek.There are various opinions that surfaced on the origins and influence on silat. In Phlipina, for example, there is a prolonged debate about the effect obtained. Some say that he was from bumiputera (indigenous) Muslims, and partly shows that mixed martial arts from China.
In Martial Arts of the World: An Encyclopedia of History and Innovation (2001), silat mentioned coming from Sumatra who were in the Malacca Strait, which grows and develops Minangkabau. He progressed from seven to sixteen century AD, and relatively stabilized and flourished in the fourteenth century AD. Still from the same source, silat is said to be under the influence of India, China, and Arab. This stems from the arrival of people of India and China at the port of Sumatra in Palembang, Sri Vijaya / Sriwijaya (Mahayana Buddhism), at seven to twelve century AD.
"In silat match Nepalese music, Hindu weapons and fighting styles, weapons Arab, as well as weapons and battle tactics of China," wrote Donn F. Draeger and Robert W. Smith in his Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts (1980) as cited by the encyclopedia above ,
This influence can be extracted from silat movement itself. China gives the effect of Wushu, which has circular movements and the use of animal forms in a variety of his style. Hindu influence tactics. Islam, which was marked by the arrival of Arab, coloring in terms of the use of a variety of weapons and philosophy. And in the 20th century, the Japanese martial art has also influenced silat in terms of tactics, techniques, weapons, and a belt ranking system as a sign of the level of proficiency.In martial arts, physical techniques fused closely with psychic abilities. At the time of Buddha and Hindu, parried strongly influenced by a variety of spells and amulets typical animism. Often encountered scenes of stabbing themselves in practice, reminiscent of the traditions that exist in India or China.When Islam came, silat also get Sufism strong color in the middle of the relics of animism. Sufis support and provide knowledge as the supernatural powers that allow the fighters who have been masterful for "possessed" by a spirit animal.
Human and Tiger
Each region has a martial arts legends usually have the particulars of his birth. On the Peninsula, there is a story that is often quoted that martial arts originated from a dream of a woman named swapping. In the dream he learned about martial arts, which is then developed with the name wrangle or Silat.
While in Sumatra, the legend refers to the presence of a woman in the Minangkabau region which witnessed a fight between a snake and a bird. In addition, he also noticed a big fight between the birds and tigers. From what he had seen it, it is developing a martial arts called Silat that use both hands and feet to attack, throwing and locking.
Film "Migration" sufficiently raise the prestige of Pencak Silat to the massesMinangkabau people believe that Silat Harimau is Silek tuo (old). As for the martial arts that exist today, are spread everywhere, believed to be a derivative of this martial art.
is called Silat Harimau is reminded, once again, the influence of
Chinese Wushu, which uses animal forms in various martial. And this form of Wushu itself, according to Draeger and Smith, style battle ensues from India in the early days.
"The narrative about the style of these animals may have been forwarded to the martial arts as an element of Chinese heritage. These derivatives will be consistent with what is described by Draeger and Smith, "wrote the encyclopedia.
Although the tracks can be drawn from China and India, basically the people of Sumatra itself is believed to have a close affinity indeed, close in spirit, and mutual bersusur lines between humans and tigers. And each area in Sumatra has naming for "human-tiger".Community Kerinci, Jambi, called the tiger man with cindaku and Inyiak; in some communities in Bengkulu called setuo or Inyiak; in West Sumatra called Inyiak, in the land of Toba called Opung; and on the ground Mandailing called ompung-call of honor for the elder person. In some areas, the mention of the name "tiger" in the woods was as much as possible be avoided as a sign of respect.
Silat Tiger
"The narrative about the style of these animals may have been forwarded to the martial arts as an element of Chinese heritage. These derivatives will be consistent with what is described by Draeger and Smith, "wrote the encyclopedia.
Although the tracks can be drawn from China and India, basically the people of Sumatra itself is believed to have a close affinity indeed, close in spirit, and mutual bersusur lines between humans and tigers. And each area in Sumatra has naming for "human-tiger".Community Kerinci, Jambi, called the tiger man with cindaku and Inyiak; in some communities in Bengkulu called setuo or Inyiak; in West Sumatra called Inyiak, in the land of Toba called Opung; and on the ground Mandailing called ompung-call of honor for the elder person. In some areas, the mention of the name "tiger" in the woods was as much as possible be avoided as a sign of respect.
Silat Tiger
In the world of martial arts, Silat Harimau is considered as the most dangerous. In
his fight, he is targeting vital points, such as the jaw, heartburn,
eyes, genitals, or neck veins that can lead to the separation of the
life of the body. In the event of sorts Asian Games, Silat Harimau not competed in silat championship for this character.
On development, Silat Harimau Minangkabau is growing outward. In Langkat, (Sumatra East / North), precisely in Tanjongpura, can be found the flow of Silat Harimau is called Tiger Hijaiyah. Here, the moment-jurusnya in accordance with the letters Hijaiyah or Arabic script, from Alif, Ba, Ta, and so takat Yes.
Silat Harimau Hijaiyah was founded by Syarifuddin bin Mohammad Kahar who previously studied at Abdul Jalil told Hasibuan, called Atuk Old Master, founder of Silat Hijaiyah. Abdul Jalil Hasibuan himself was the son of a sheikh of the Naqshbandi in Kota Pinang, Rantau Prapat (Sumatra East / North). In the article "Hijaiyah Tiger", has a style that is unik.Si champion Ahmad Bukhari Ramzan of College Tiger Hijaiyah langkat. He has a style stretched one hand up and the other down in the wide, such as inviting the opponent to attack.
"He did not do horses like a general. But once the opponent to attack, whether with kicks or punches, instantly greeted with terkaman "paci" Tiger Hijaiyah or a combination of hooks and knocked stance is strong and fast. Can wear anything Ramzan do. Either elbow, knee, arm, or the palm and fist, "writes the magazine. Hijaiyah Silat Harimau is then developed into neighboring country, Aceh, and also spread to the peninsula, such as Kuala Lumpur, Johor and Penang. While the distribution of Silat Harimau own infinite in Sumatra. He also can be found, with their own variants in different islands and even continents.
Historically, the impact and influence in the martial arts, as well as other martial arts, is basically inevitable. No one ever be able to stand alone."There is no culture that truly stands alone, but a coalition with other cultures," wrote Claude
Levi-Strauss in his book Race and History
As is customary, culture, and civilization, so too silat. Always there are the elements that form a kind of martial arts to be distinguished as something unique, then back bouncing in all directions.
As is customary, culture, and civilization, so too silat. Always there are the elements that form a kind of martial arts to be distinguished as something unique, then back bouncing in all directions.
the courtyard of the mosque and mosque, finished prayers, then by
itself contained also in the relationship aspects of martial arts,
namely the creation of a cord of friendship and camaraderie with the
crowd. However, there is also a practicing martial arts in the middle of the forest that can not be seen. And during practice it is, the reading of prayers in Islamic narrative becomes an integral requirement.
The nature and clinging parried by surau or mosque is roughly similar to kung fu was born and raised in the Shaolin temple. Both are examples of martial arts was born and honed in a spiritual environment. Only, in the times, both martial arts has been able to learn anywhere, not necessarily in the mosque, mosque, or temple.
Silat and Influence
Silat is a typical Malay martial which etymologically means "fight" or "fighting". However, there are also said silat means "the clay", which means the slick. That is, it is a movement silat martial slippery and thus difficult to be locked. While in the Philippines, Silat means "lightning" (lightning). This notion refers to the speed of movement of empty hand and weapon use. Bare hands is an allusion to fight only using a mere hand. However, there is also a common weapon used in martial arts. The weapon was, among other things, kris, spears, machetes, gloves, knives, sickles, sticks, or kerambit / kurambik. Kurambik is touted as typical Minangkabau. He shaped small knife that resemble claws. He was also similar to the curved crescent eyes.
In wrangle, the body generally be upright, modest, and almost creeping. When an opponent attacks, he was not repelled, but deflected in the other direction (take advantage of the strength of the opponent). This is similar to martial arts from China. Everything must be elastic, supple, flexible. This makes the martial arts moves seem beautiful, vivacious, wiry, and flow. Meanwhile, clothes that used the fighters usually black, which can also in this type of vessel bay. Not to forget also with a headband with a lid. That said, swapping without headgear deemed invalid and be bothered by negative energy. By Malays, headgear, which actually is in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, is done by using a cap / cap / skull cap, hat Lebai, or tengkulok / pose / headband. The goal is to get the absorption or focus.
Silat with all its attributes are scattered in many areas of the countries in Southeast Asia, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, or Brunei Darussalam. Therefore, he later became the hallmark of Southeast Asian martial. In these areas, the name of self-defense is no difference in the sound. However, in addition to martial arts, he is also known as Silek.There are various opinions that surfaced on the origins and influence on silat. In Phlipina, for example, there is a prolonged debate about the effect obtained. Some say that he was from bumiputera (indigenous) Muslims, and partly shows that mixed martial arts from China.
In Martial Arts of the World: An Encyclopedia of History and Innovation (2001), silat mentioned coming from Sumatra who were in the Malacca Strait, which grows and develops Minangkabau. He progressed from seven to sixteen century AD, and relatively stabilized and flourished in the fourteenth century AD. Still from the same source, silat is said to be under the influence of India, China, and Arab. This stems from the arrival of people of India and China at the port of Sumatra in Palembang, Sri Vijaya / Sriwijaya (Mahayana Buddhism), at seven to twelve century AD.
"In silat match Nepalese music, Hindu weapons and fighting styles, weapons Arab, as well as weapons and battle tactics of China," wrote Donn F. Draeger and Robert W. Smith in his Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts (1980) as cited by the encyclopedia above ,
This influence can be extracted from silat movement itself. China gives the effect of Wushu, which has circular movements and the use of animal forms in a variety of his style. Hindu influence tactics. Islam, which was marked by the arrival of Arab, coloring in terms of the use of a variety of weapons and philosophy. And in the 20th century, the Japanese martial art has also influenced silat in terms of tactics, techniques, weapons, and a belt ranking system as a sign of the level of proficiency.In martial arts, physical techniques fused closely with psychic abilities. At the time of Buddha and Hindu, parried strongly influenced by a variety of spells and amulets typical animism. Often encountered scenes of stabbing themselves in practice, reminiscent of the traditions that exist in India or China.When Islam came, silat also get Sufism strong color in the middle of the relics of animism. Sufis support and provide knowledge as the supernatural powers that allow the fighters who have been masterful for "possessed" by a spirit animal.
Human and Tiger
Each region has a martial arts legends usually have the particulars of his birth. On the Peninsula, there is a story that is often quoted that martial arts originated from a dream of a woman named swapping. In the dream he learned about martial arts, which is then developed with the name wrangle or Silat.
While in Sumatra, the legend refers to the presence of a woman in the Minangkabau region which witnessed a fight between a snake and a bird. In addition, he also noticed a big fight between the birds and tigers. From what he had seen it, it is developing a martial arts called Silat that use both hands and feet to attack, throwing and locking.
Film "Migration" sufficiently raise the prestige of Pencak Silat to the massesMinangkabau people believe that Silat Harimau is Silek tuo (old). As for the martial arts that exist today, are spread everywhere, believed to be a derivative of this martial art.
is called Silat Harimau is reminded, once again, the influence of
Chinese Wushu, which uses animal forms in various martial. And this form of Wushu itself, according to Draeger and Smith, style battle ensues from India in the early days.
"The narrative about the style of these animals may have been forwarded to the martial arts as an element of Chinese heritage. These derivatives will be consistent with what is described by Draeger and Smith, "wrote the encyclopedia.
Although the tracks can be drawn from China and India, basically the people of Sumatra itself is believed to have a close affinity indeed, close in spirit, and mutual bersusur lines between humans and tigers. And each area in Sumatra has naming for "human-tiger".Community Kerinci, Jambi, called the tiger man with cindaku and Inyiak; in some communities in Bengkulu called setuo or Inyiak; in West Sumatra called Inyiak, in the land of Toba called Opung; and on the ground Mandailing called ompung-call of honor for the elder person. In some areas, the mention of the name "tiger" in the woods was as much as possible be avoided as a sign of respect.
Silat Tiger
"The narrative about the style of these animals may have been forwarded to the martial arts as an element of Chinese heritage. These derivatives will be consistent with what is described by Draeger and Smith, "wrote the encyclopedia.
Although the tracks can be drawn from China and India, basically the people of Sumatra itself is believed to have a close affinity indeed, close in spirit, and mutual bersusur lines between humans and tigers. And each area in Sumatra has naming for "human-tiger".Community Kerinci, Jambi, called the tiger man with cindaku and Inyiak; in some communities in Bengkulu called setuo or Inyiak; in West Sumatra called Inyiak, in the land of Toba called Opung; and on the ground Mandailing called ompung-call of honor for the elder person. In some areas, the mention of the name "tiger" in the woods was as much as possible be avoided as a sign of respect.
Silat Tiger
In the world of martial arts, Silat Harimau is considered as the most dangerous. In
his fight, he is targeting vital points, such as the jaw, heartburn,
eyes, genitals, or neck veins that can lead to the separation of the
life of the body. In the event of sorts Asian Games, Silat Harimau not competed in silat championship for this character.
On development, Silat Harimau Minangkabau is growing outward. In Langkat, (Sumatra East / North), precisely in Tanjongpura, can be found the flow of Silat Harimau is called Tiger Hijaiyah. Here, the moment-jurusnya in accordance with the letters Hijaiyah or Arabic script, from Alif, Ba, Ta, and so takat Yes.
Silat Harimau Hijaiyah was founded by Syarifuddin bin Mohammad Kahar who previously studied at Abdul Jalil told Hasibuan, called Atuk Old Master, founder of Silat Hijaiyah. Abdul Jalil Hasibuan himself was the son of a sheikh of the Naqshbandi in Kota Pinang, Rantau Prapat (Sumatra East / North). In the article "Hijaiyah Tiger", has a style that is unik.Si champion Ahmad Bukhari Ramzan of College Tiger Hijaiyah langkat. He has a style stretched one hand up and the other down in the wide, such as inviting the opponent to attack.
"He did not do horses like a general. But once the opponent to attack, whether with kicks or punches, instantly greeted with terkaman "paci" Tiger Hijaiyah or a combination of hooks and knocked stance is strong and fast. Can wear anything Ramzan do. Either elbow, knee, arm, or the palm and fist, "writes the magazine. Hijaiyah Silat Harimau is then developed into neighboring country, Aceh, and also spread to the peninsula, such as Kuala Lumpur, Johor and Penang. While the distribution of Silat Harimau own infinite in Sumatra. He also can be found, with their own variants in different islands and even continents.
Historically, the impact and influence in the martial arts, as well as other martial arts, is basically inevitable. No one ever be able to stand alone."There is no culture that truly stands alone, but a coalition with other cultures," wrote Claude
Levi-Strauss in his book Race and History
As is customary, culture, and civilization, so too silat. Always there are the elements that form a kind of martial arts to be distinguished as something unique, then back bouncing in all directions.
As is customary, culture, and civilization, so too silat. Always there are the elements that form a kind of martial arts to be distinguished as something unique, then back bouncing in all directions.
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